Junkyard Jubilee

An Endless Runner game made using Phaser 3.

Playable Link

GitHub Source Code Link


Junkyard Jubilee was a group project for school. This game was a collaboration between Kevin Lewis, Elijah Rossman, and Kristopher Yu. My role in this game include programming, making SFX, and making some art assets.

  • What I worked on

    Programming - Initial endless running mechanic. Obstacle spawning logic. Obstacle art assets for the obstacles that spawn on the ground (box/car). Some SFX.

  • Worked Well

    The difficulty scaling is good for this game. As more time passes on, the faster rate and amount of objects can spawn at a time.

    Having both a ground object that you can only jump over and flying objects that you have to shoot create an interesting dynamic since you have to use both the space key and clicking and often have to split attention among both.

  • Potential Improvements

    We wanted to have a laser actually show when shooting the objects out of the sky.

    Art assets were done by all of us, so there isn’t much continuity since we all have different levels of experience.



